Well, that's what I was thinking when I first started my water drinking binge. I had been getting headaches almost everyday, and nothing was working. I always drink my coffee in the morning to avoid the nasty caffeine headache, but had not thought that that would dehydrate me so much.
Well, I then started thinking about how much water I was actually drinking daily. The results were not good. I figured that on average, I drank about 1-2 glasses of water per day, and at that time I was drinking 1-2 glasses of coffee per day. That is not a very good ratio.
WOW. No wonder I was getting so many headaches!
I then started to go on a water drinking mission. I was going to drink my 8 glasses of water a day, & I was going to like it! Little did I know that I would spend most of my day going to the bathroom. I wasn't working out hardcore & sweating all of the water out of my system, so let's just say that I had to go to the bathroom about every hour. It was ridiculous.
Well, I stopped drinking my 8 glasses of water a day, and started getting headaches again. I knew that it was ridiculous to be having so many headaches. The only thing was that I hated having to go to the bathroom so much. I decided that I was not going to beat myself up about getting my in my 8. I figured that it would be OK if I drank anywhere from 4-6 glasses/day & 7-8 glasses would be an added bonus!
How do I keep track? Thank you for asking!
What I do is keep a tally on my calendar of how many glasses I drink each day. It's nothing too big or exciting, but enough for me to keep track of. I then add it to a journal. This journal helps me keep track of how I was feeling that day, and am trying to see if any of it depends on my water intake. If you are looking into hopping onto this bandwagon with me, you do not need to keep a journal. A simple calendar tally will suffice.
I would love to hear more about your adventures (or lack of) in water drinking! Maybe this can become a place where we can band together and become healthy together!
Please feel free to comment, shoot me an email, or facebook me. I would LOVE to hear more!
Courageously drinking & peeing,
sweet, lauren! i grabbed my water bottle in the middle of reading this. i just had to. thanks for encouraging me!
I try to drink a lot of water....it's so easy to forget. The peeing part is annoying, but what can you do?
not a great day of me & water. its 3:49 on friday & i have finished 1 full glass. not a good day for water at all!
You made me smile with this post.
You should ask Erica about her water drinking experience.
I've heard that your body adjusts a bit after awhile to extra water intake, so if you keep it up, you might not be using the biffy quite as often.
I once bought a big 64 oz. water bottle. I filled it up every morning and when it was empty I knew I'd drank eight glasses. I quit that because the plastic started smelling funny after awhile.
After having 6 kids....I would have to be really careful drinking so much water! I would totally be afraid of laughing, coughing, or sneezing!!!
Hey, Lauren! A handy way to get your water is to buy a 32oz nalgene or whatever kind of water bottle. Just carry it around with you all day and you will always be reminded to drink your water!
The whole 8 glasses of water a day thing is a myth, so you shouldn't worry about not hitting that goal.
How Cute! Now I think I'm going to drink more water each day now. Thanks for making me SMILE!
using the biffy??!! Mother, I thought we had a contract you wouldn't embarrass me on facebook.
I mean jeez, i turn around for a second and your farming out my embarassing stories!
(my water drinking story involves me as a young child drinking my daily 64 oz at once right before we left on a trip and stopping on the highway because i was convinced I was about to die if i didn't pee)
just don't do that and you'll be fine lauren!!
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