So. im realizing that i have a little bit of stress in my life.
how do i know that, you ask?
my dreams are keeping me up at night.
yes, you read that right. my dreams are keeping me awake.
im at the point where i would welcome a dream about being stalked or chased or something of the sort.
instead, my dreams currently consist of people. yep, people in my every day life that have caused me major amounts of stressed.
so instead of a peaceful sleep, im having to defend myself all through the night. and it's not like im just having to explain & just give details of what actually happened, i am screaming at them & yelling & cursing & crying just attempting to convey what i have to say.
and im starting to find myself waking up wanting to yell. and actually crying. and wondering what in the world is going on with my mind.
im tired, and so ready to sleep at night. however, im finding that im attempting to keep myself asleep at night, so there is no chance of having these dreams. that needs to stop. this all needs to stop.
so im just trying to figure that all out. im attempting to sort through how to dream different dreams at night, or try thinking about sunshine & rainbows before i go to bed.
this is short, but definitely heavy on my mind.
and damn it, im tired. i need some sleep.
so here's to a good night's sleep.
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