
Saturday, January 2, 2010


Happy New Year, bloggers~!

The new year has arrived, and i rang it in with my dearest friend and her husband in Spencer, IA. Whoa, did I just say Iowa?! Does that mean that im not in Alaska anymore...? 


I think that the biggest heartbreak/ache i have ever experienced was leaving Juneau. 
I loved my job. I loved my friends.
I went out with a boy multiple times before i left, and enjoyed his company too much...
...and then i had to leave that...

ugh. Now i move on. Now i start fresh in 2010. 
I'm not one to make goals, but rather suggestions. Insane i know, but this year i have new things in store for myself.

I need to write a letter to myself to be opened in 2011.

This year I want to get through 2010 gracefully...with more knowledge. understanding. grace. wisdom. love. etc.

My friend Christina and I discussed our 2009's (good & bad) and what we want out of 2010...
It was wonderful. I met her husband for the 2nd time, and he is so sweet. They are perfect together, and just make me smile! 

Now I am off to continue watching Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire with Keena...

Courageously blogging in 2010,


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